
Trader Joe’s Organic Mint Melange Tea

Trader Joe's Organic Mint Melange Tea

Trader Joe's Organic Mint Melange Tea

Are you searching for a great tasting, caffeine free tea, that has a little zip? Well we think we have found a winner here with Trader Joe’s Organic Mint Melange Tea.

We both just love tea! We enjoy all kinds of tea  but usually stick to a basic black tea (Trader Joe’s Irish Tea) for the majority of our tea drinking. But like everything, there comes a time when you want a change, or after a meal when you want some tea but do not want to drink any caffeine.

This is the perfect tea for you to try

This mint mélange tea is actually a blend or mixture of peppermint, lemon grass and spearmint, so it is not just a plain mint tea. Those folks at Trader Joe’s really must understand tea blending as well as tea drinkers because they created a winner here.

There is a nice blending of the flavors between the peppermint and the spearmint, with a sorta undertone of lemon flavor in there somewhere.  Now I love many kinds of mint products (gum, teas), but some of them (especially spearmint flavored items) seem too harsh for my tastes.

This is why I think the blending of the different mints and the lemongrass really makes this product a winner.

What are your favorite kinds of tea??