
Trader Joe’s Cheesecake Brownie Bites

Totally wonderful Cheesecake Brownie Bites

Totally wonderful Cheesecake Brownie Bites

These moist, fudgy brownies, topped with just a hint of cheesecake creamy goodness,  are truly a bite of sheer temptation. Trader Joe’s Brownie Bites are so good that you’ll wish you were not home alone with the container.

Seriously these brownies were just fantastic!

We purchased them to use for a meeting, and well, to be honest we sorta forgot them when we were running out the door to get to the meeting on time…. Oops!

So what else could we do, but try them ourselves –you know to make sure that they were good, just in case we would need to purchase them again for another meeting, right?

OK thinking only  for the research, we bit into them… WOW!

They are just as we said: rich, fudgy with wonderful chocolate flavor. They are just the right size too- about two bites each. But we tried to savor them and eat them slowly….

Truthfully, although we think that these brownies were just wonderful, we would like to make a request to the decision makers at Trader Joe’s. Please zap a bit more cheesecake onto each one of these little brownies, so that there is a bit more cheesecake flavor throughout the whole brownie.

Don’t let that little request put you off- these are just wonderful little bites and you would not go wrong to add them to your next cookie tray or to bring them in your next meeting….

That is IF you remember to bring them with you… 🙂

Trader Joe's Cheesecake Brownie Bites

Trader Joe's Cheesecake Brownie Bites