Trader Joe’s Happy Trekking Trail Mix

Trader Joe's Happy Trekking Trail Mix

Trader Joe's Happy Trekking Trail Mix

Another great product discovered in the Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer, May 2010. To view The Fearless Flyer online, go to You will see the information right on the home page.

Ahhh trail mix…. Nutty and sweet and salty all in one bite!  Here is a new to us product that we discovered as a result of the Frequent Flyer, Trader Joe’s Happy Trekking Trail Mix.

This is one of those snacks (trail mix) that we really love, that are full of energy and lots of flavors in each bite.  There are some mixtures that are better than others – like when chocolate is included- but for the most part they are all good.

This Happy Trekking Trail Mix is one of those good mixtures. There are only 6 ingredients and they work well together. Each bit includes plenty of crunch (nuts) chewy (dried fruits) Sweet (ohh dark chocolate) all together in each bite. WOW!

The ingredients are:

  • Almonds
  • Cashews
  • Pistachios
  • Chocolate Chips (semi-sweet YEAH!)
  • Dried Cranberries
  • Dried Cherries

We thought this was a great mixture and those cherries and cranberries were really tasty with the chocolate and the nuts.

Happy Trekking Trail Mix

Happy Trekking Trail Mix

In fact, this mixture is soo good that you can even add a few more nuts to the mix and it still tastes great. We added a few of the salted ballpark peanuts to the last few handfuls of this mix – just to stretch it out… as we ate it way too fast!

If you enjoyed this post, please pass it along to a friend with Twitter. Also please take a minute to leave us a comment below. Even if you just want to say hello, we just love to hear from all of you!

Hurrah– This product Gluten Free!

Trader Joe’s Manchego Cheese

Trader Joe's Manchego Cheese

Trader Joe's Manchego Cheese

Another great product discovered in the Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer, May 2010. To view The Fearless Flyer online, go to You will see the information right on the home page.

We actually re- discovered this cheese by flipping through the Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer. We both love Tapas, those little bits or snacks typical to a Spanish bar or restaurant. We have enjoyed many different kinds of cheeses that are served for Tapas- and really did not know their names. This cheese is fairly distinctive, as it is dry-firm and has a distinctive dark rind.

So we read about this nutty, sharp tangy cheese from Spain, and thought OK sounds fantastic, right? So we had to laugh when we arrived at Trader Joe’s to discover that we already knew about the cheese, just not by the official name. HA!

So anyway this is a great cheese. It is firm and nutty and kinda crumbles when you cut it into thin slices. It makes a great cheese to go on a cheese tray maybe with a soft, ripe pear and some crackers.

According to the Fearless Flyer, this is a sheep’s milk cheese (hey news to us) and has been make in Spain for hundreds of years- Even mentioned in Don Quixote! (OK, yes I am curious now, and will have to seek out the book to check).

Another source for all things food, The Food Lover’s Companion,   mentions that this cheese melts easily. Then this got me thinking about a fantastic cheese sauce or even a yummy macaroni and cheese- Spanish Style. Hmmmm….  Maybe I will need to switch up some menus this week to sneak in a potato-cheese –thingy… What do you think??

If you enjoyed this post, please pass it along to a friend with Twitter. Also please take a minute to leave us a comment below. Even if you just want to say hello, we just love to hear from all of you!

Blog 30 Challenge

This summer the month of June is going to be very special here at Living Trader Joe’s!

We decided to join the Blog 30 Challenge hosted by Dr. Jeanette Cates that runs the full 30 days of June. You can view more about her at her blog at This is a challenge for bloggers to pledge to write 30 blog posts in 30 days. Jeanettes’ blog helps folks get online and stay organized.

We participated in another “Blog 30 Challenge” in April/May hosted by Connie Regan Green. Her blog is here at: Connie’s blog is all about how to be a better blogger, and marketer, and thus communicate better with you, my loyal readers. As Delaina and I are both new to blogging, we were hoping to get some cool tips, and tricks to navigating all this technology from both of these smart, successful women. And boy have we learned a lot!

You might have noticed an increase in our postings in April and May. Well, we have the Blog 30 Challenge to blame, or rather thank for all that. By committing to writing a blog post each day, we found that I went through a number of emotions. These started out as fear (as in what the heck will we say today) to a kind of excitement as we prepared information to share with you all.

This time around, we are getting organized a bit earlier and planning some fun new stuff and even add some new categories to the blog. Mostly to answer questions that we have received when we tell people what we are doing/ eating. These new categories include:

  • Raw foods
  • Wheat free (products and recipes)
  • Vita Mix Blender! (Unbelievably good smoothies and more!)

All three of these new categories will not be hard to write for, as we will simply be sharing what new items we are shopping for/ eating and having fun with (crazy good smoothie concoctions) this summer here in Tucson at our local Trader Joe’s store.

As long as we are talking about additions and changes to the blog- we would LOVE to hear what categories you enjoy reading and which new ones you would like us to add.  So please drop us a note and let us know what we can do for you today.

Here’s to a wonderful summer,

Kris & Delaina

Trader Joe’s Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookies

Trader Joe's Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookies

Trader Joe's Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookies

Here is an incredible new find (well, at least to us) from Trader Joe’s- Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookes!

We found these yummy treats in the bakery area near all the breads and muffins. We both were so surprised to see these treats!

We both love carrot cake- The spicy cake part and all those sweet raisins and bits of carrot.  And what can we say about cream cheese frosting! Eeks! Just delicious.

Now truthfully, we don’t usually take the time to make a carrot cake just on a random whim. Too much time, energy, special ingredients and then the results: who wants to be at home with a carrot cake?

Carrot Cake cookies- Up close!

Carrot Cake cookies- Up close!

So we were delighted to see these cookies at Trader Joe’s. The cookies are similar to a Whoopee Pie, with two soft cookies that are “glued” together with a frosting center. In this case the cookies are made from yummy carrot cake batter, with big raisins and long strings of carrot in the spicy dough. In the center these cookies have a thick layer of rich delicious cream cheese frosting. WOW!!

Just so you know, these cookies are BIG and rich and Sweet- simply wonderful. We enjoyed them with a strong cup of black tea (Trader Joe’s of course) and savored every last crumb…

If you enjoyed this post, please pass it along to a friend with Twitter. Also please take a minute to leave us a comment below. Even if you just want to say hello, we just love to hear from all of you!