Another great tasting Easy Raw Diet Green Smoothie:Spinach & Ginger was created today in our kitchen! We are so excited by the yummy green smoothies that we are enjoying and wanted to share another one with you today. This one was just loosely based on a recipe, and then became a sort of “just toss it in” creation. Now even if you are not on the Raw Diet, you can add these yummy Green Smoothies to your day. They are a fantastic way to eat more fruit and veggies!
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Trader Joe’s has made this smoothie kick we are on sooo easy! In our Tucson store they have added a lot more “individual” pieces of fruit. So now we can go in and just pick up one pear, or one orange when we want to.

Vita-Mix Raw Green Smoothie: Spinach & Ginger
We recently purchased some great looking Kiwi fruits…. Look out Vita-Mix!
We are using a base of fruits in our smoothie recipes that seem to be working out very well for us. We are using an orange, a banana and a pear with 1 ½ cups of water and a ½ cup of ice. Then the creative part comes in and we start to add the green stuff and this week a super-delicious “extra” ingredient…. fresh ginger root.
Wow! Was that a great idea. The ginger added a kick to our raw diet green smoothie. It was subtle at first, but then as you sipped a bit more, it hit you- as a sweet spiciness in your mouth. We recommend trying some fresh ginger in your next smoothie, but we would also recommend starting out on the conservative side. We added a slim round slice from our ginger root. It was the size of a quarter and about as thick as two quarters. I was thinking I would like to add a second slice, but then thought not. I figured that I could always add more ginger, and would taste and see. I think the amount was perfect and I am now glad that I did not add more.
OK here is the recipe for a wonderful Raw Diet Green Smoothie:
Awesome Spinach-Ginger Raw, Whole Fruit Smoothie
- 1 orange, peeled
- 1 pear, quartered and seeds removed
- 1 banana, peeled
- 1 coin of ginger
- 1 handful Trader Joe’s baby spinach
- 2 sprigs parsley
- 1 ½ cups cold water
- ½ cup Ice cubes
1. Prepare fruit (peel and remove seeds where needed), wash and rinse the ingredients and add to the Vita-Mix blender. Whirl until smooth about 1 minute total.
Like I said before this Raw Diet Green Smoothie was just wonderful. We were a bit concerned because I tossed some parsley in the container, but all we could taste at the end was the fruits.

The finished Green Smoothie
So if you are trying to add in some more fruits and veggies into your day- we say – go ahead and try a green smoothie. Even if you are not on the Raw Foods diet 100% (we are not…. But we are just trying to add some more raw foods into our diet) you will love the energy you get from this drink.
Have you checked out the Vita-Mix yet? This super blender might be just what you need to reach your health goals. Take a look today at 
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What do you like in your smoothies? Have you tried a Green Smoothie yet?
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